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Остання редакція: 22 лютого 2022

Knowledge of English is the success in modern life

On February 22, students of the 21st-acc, 22nd-acc and 21m-acc groups with the curator joined the discussion of the topic "Knowledge of English is the success in modern life". An essential element of a modern successful person is the knowledge of English. But, as practice shows, learning English is much more difficult for an adult than for children and adolescents. That is why in Uman National University of Horticulture further study of English is carried out so that students can improve the level of foreign language proficiency in parallel with their native language, while studying disciplines in the chosen specialty.

It is worth noting that English is the first and only language in the world that has international status. It is native to more than 500 million people around the world. Today, knowledge of English will be useful in almost any field, both professional and personal. Even minimal skills will allow you to get a lot of useful information from foreign sources, expand your horizons and feel like a full part of the modern world, where more than 1.5 billion people speak English fluently.

Oleg Polishchuk, Associate Professor of Accounting and Taxation

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